Converting MySQL/MariaDB database tables from MyISAM to InnoDB

Myisam Convert Innodb Storage Engine Wordpress

The InnoDB storage engine in MySQL/MariaDB is more performant than MyISAM – here are a few ways to change that database structure, using both the command line and also some WordPress plugins. Changing from MyISAM to InnoDB via the command line If you have wp-cli installed on your webserver you can check for MyISAM tables…

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Syncing RunCloud and Cloudflare firewalls for fail2ban IPs

Cloudflare Fail2ban Serverpilot

This guide looks at adding a proxied Cloudflare service to a server set up with RunCloud and fail2ban with a WordPress jail conf set up. Once you start using Cloudflare as a CDN solution for your hosting, you are adding another firewall into the equation, albeit a very good one, but you may want to…

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Block xmlrpc.php WordPress running on OpenLiteSpeed using .htaccess

Block Xmlrpc Open Litespeed

You can block the xmlrpc.php WordPress file when running on OpenLiteSpeed by adding a rewrite rule in the .htaccess file. This will reduce the brute force threat of bots making multiple resource requests. Add to your webroot .htaccess file either add it in a mod_rewrite existing block or add a new one: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteRule…

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Block wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php via fail2ban on RunCloud

Fail2ban Wordpress Runcloud

How to ban IP addresses that are brute forcing your wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php on a WordPress install with fail2ban on a RunCloud server. Email yourself any fail2ban IP addresses. Add a WordPress fail2ban filter Create a wordpress.conf file in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ [Definition] failregex = ^<HOST> .* “POST .*wp-login.php ^<HOST> .* “POST .*xmlrpc.php ignoreregex = If using…

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