Rename Home name and link in WooCommerce Breadcrumbs

You can change the Home name and home url link in WooCommerce breadcrumbs with 2 filters,  woocommerce_breadcrumb_defaults and woocommerce_breadcrumb_home_url

Change WooCommerce Home Text in Breadcrumb

add_filter( 'woocommerce_breadcrumb_defaults', 'prefix_change_breadcrumb_home_text' );
 * Rename "home" in WooCommerce breadcrumb
function prefix_change_breadcrumb_home_text( $defaults ) {
    // Change the breadcrumb home text from 'Home' to 'Shop'
	$defaults['home'] = 'Shop';
	return $defaults;

Just change the text string where marked the snippet goes in your themes functions.php


Change WooCommerce Home URL in Breadcrumb

For the URL…

add_filter( 'woocommerce_breadcrumb_home_url', 'prefix_custom_breadrumb_home_url' );
 * Replace the home link URL in WooCommerce breadcrumb
function prefix_custom_breadrumb_home_url() {
    return '';