How to compress and uncompress files and folders in the Terminal in macOS Monterey
Since macOS is based on Unix there are a number of ways to compress files and folders within the filing system using Unix based application code, below are a few options using the Terminal or command line interface (cli). The default command line application interface in macOS is the Terminal and is stored in /Applications/Utilities.…
Read MoreHow to Add to the Shell Path in macOS Big Sur and Catalina using Terminal
The shell path for a user in macOS is a set of paths in the filing system whereby the user has permissions to use certain applications, commands and programs without the need to specify the full path to that command or program in the Terminal. So instead of running something like this, with a path to…
Read MoreCombining VOB files into one in Linux or macos and convert to MP4
So you need to combine multiple VOB files from a DVD VIDEO_TS folder into one and convert to MP4? One of the easiest and quickest ways to do this is a simple method on the command line to merge the files and then use a free video converter to change format. Merging the VOBs Launch…
Read MoreShow Hidden Library and User Library files and folder in macOS
From OSX 10.9 Mavericks, 10.8 Mountain Lion and 10.7 Lion, the /Library and ~/Library are hidden from the Finder – to show these directories in the GUI, launch Terminal from Applications/Utilities and run the command below with sudo and enter your admin password when requested: sudo chflags nohidden /Library/ ~/Library/ to hide again: sudo chflags…
Read MoreImport a mysql database into macOS via Terminal
Import a mysql/mariadb database into macOS via the command line I have found that phpmydmin on the Mac has issues with the max upload file size limit and changing the value in php.ini doesn’t always do the trick. With mysql already installed a quick trip to the terminal will sort this out. Create the database…
Read MoreRestarting Apache Web Server from the command line macOS or Linux
To restart, start or stop Apache web server from the command line interface using either Linux or macOS, use the commands below, these commands should be executed as the root user otherwise prefix them with ‘sudo‘
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