Change Default Values in Beaver Builder Themes Customizer Settings

The Beaver Builder Themes default values in the Customizer can be changed with the fl_theme_add_panel_data filter. These are the values when you click on the default button that return a value set from the original code.

Beaver Theme Default Settings

The filter is found bb-theme/classes/class-fl-customizer.php and takes 2 parameters $key and $data, the former being the customizer panel and the latter the actual customizer settings.

The $key(s) are …

  • fl-general
  • fl-header
  • fl-content
  • fl-footer
  • fl-code

So the filter is expressed like so…

add_filter('fl_theme_add_panel_data','bt_customizer_options_filtered', 10, 2 ); 
 *  Filtering the Customizer
 *  Not working for theme if inside after_setup_theme function
 *  Changing the defaults on the live preset.
 *  @since 2.0.0
function bt_customizer_options_filtered( $data, $key ) {
    if ( 'fl-general' == $key ) {
        // Do something with the $data.

        // Layout
        // Background
        // Accent Color
        // Fonts

    if ( 'fl-header' == $key ) {


    return $data;  

The nested arrays are cascaded until the default setting which is then assigned the new default value.

Above both the fl-general and fl-header are targetted with if statements and various default values set.

You can view the structure of various nested arrays in the normal array presentation in the bb-theme/includes directory such as bb/theme/includes/customizer-panel-general.php file.



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