Block xmlrpc.php WordPress running on OpenLiteSpeed using .htaccess

Block Xmlrpc Open Litespeed

You can block the xmlrpc.php WordPress file when running on OpenLiteSpeed by adding a rewrite rule in the .htaccess file. This will reduce the brute force threat of bots making multiple resource requests. Add to your webroot .htaccess file either add it in a mod_rewrite existing block or add a new one: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteRule…

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Block wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php via fail2ban on RunCloud

Fail2ban Wordpress Runcloud

How to ban IP addresses that are brute forcing your wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php on a WordPress install with fail2ban on a RunCloud server. Email yourself any fail2ban IP addresses. Add a WordPress fail2ban filter Create a wordpress.conf file in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ [Definition] failregex = ^<HOST> .* “POST .*wp-login.php ^<HOST> .* “POST .*xmlrpc.php ignoreregex = If using…

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Keep WordPress database leaner by removing autoloaded options from wp_options table


In WordPress a number of autoloaded options are loaded on every page, this gathers over time with deleted themes, plugins etc and can slow down a site. Typically most options that are installed in the database are permanently stored. These options which are autoloaded are loaded on very WordPress page. To see the total size…

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Change WooCommerce Checkout Page To A 2-Column Layout

Woocommerce Checkout Layout

The default WooCommerce checkout page layout doesn’t make great use of a 2nd right hand column and looks a bit disjointed. Here is some CSS that can push the product order data to the 2nd column balancing the layout more evenly, making for a better user experience whilst checking out. The CSS kicks in at…

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Enable the root user in macOS Monterey and earlier macOS versions

Enable Macos Root User

Here is how you enable the root user in macOS Monterey and earlier macOS versions, the macOS root user is disabled by default when the OS is installed. As an admin user launch System Preferences from the Apple Menu and go to the User and Groups pane, you will need to authenticate first by clicking on the padlock icon down the bottom left, then…

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