Upgrade/Downgrade website versions of WordPress with wp-cli

You can use wp-cli to upgrade or downgrade to particular versions or releases of WordPress.

See the installed version of current WordPress

wp core version

or with more info:

wp core version --extra

Update to latest version of WordPress

wp core update

Update to specific version of WordPress

wp core update --version=5.5.3

Install or downgrade WordPress version

wp core update --version=5.5.3 --force

Switch to a locale version (Australia used below)

wp core update --locale=au

Update Error

If you get the Error: Another update is currently in progress.

You can clear that with:

wp option delete core_updater.lock

Then try again.

Couple more refs on wp-cli for plugins, domain URLs and installations.


  1. Michael Sumner on December 15, 2021 at 10:33 am

    Thanks for this article it has really helped understanding that you can use WP-CLI within the downgrade plugin and achieve the same result.

    Kind regards,

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