Turn off SSH passwords in Ubuntu, connect via SSH keys only

Ssh Keys

Once you have a successful connection to your remote instance with SSH keys, it is better practice to disable SSH Password Authentication to mitigate further bruteforce password attempts, this coupled with a service like Fail2ban will further strengthen your Virtual instance. Remote into your VPS via SSH and open the SSH config file: nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config…

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Set monit to monitor mariadb on a RunCloud instance on Ubuntu 22 & 24

Monit Mariadb

Get up and running with Monit on Ubuntu 22.04 Install Monit SSH as root into your VM instance and install Monit apt update apt install monit Start/stop/restart and see the status of monit systemctl status monit systemctl start monit systemctl stop monit systemctl restart monit Status will tell if it’s running root@mel1:~# systemctl status monit●…

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Set hostname and fqdn in Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04 & 22.04

Hostname Fqdn Ubuntu

Hostname in Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04 & 22.04 You can find and change the hostname with the commands hostname or hostnamectl in Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04, if you run the command on its own it will tell you what the current name is, the example below is  named racknerd-la hostnamectl root@racknerd-la:~# hostnamectl Static hostname: racknerd-la…

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