Turn off SSH passwords in Ubuntu, connect via SSH keys only

Once you have a successful connection to your remote instance with SSH keys, it is better practice to disable SSH Password Authentication to mitigate further bruteforce password attempts, this coupled with a service like Fail2ban will further strengthen your Virtual…
Install and configure Fail2ban for CloudPanel on Ubuntu 22.04

CloudPanel out of the box comes with an application to deal with brute force attacks on SSH, NGINX and WordPress, only SSH has a configuration, the app is called Fail2ban.Fail2ban is an app which bans access to your site from IP…
Add Monit to monitor MariaDB or MySQL database on a CloudPanel instance on Ubuntu 22.04

Get up and running with Monit on Ubuntu 22.04 on CloudPanel. Monit can be used to monitor your MariaDB or MySQL database and restart it if it is stopped – the database may be stopped due to a lack of…
Add a Swap Partition to a Ubuntu 22.04 instance

Below is a guide on how you can add a swap disk/partition to a Ubuntu 22.04 instance, I would recommend that you have a decent amount of hard disk space available to avoid constant use of the swap drive, a…
Set monit to monitor mariadb on a RunCloud instance on Ubuntu 22 & 24

Get up and running with Monit on Ubuntu 22.04Install MonitSSH as root into your VM instance and install Monitapt updateapt install monitStart/stop/restart and see the status of monitsystemctl status monitsystemctl start monitsystemctl stop monitsystemctl restart monitStatus will tell if it’s…
Using MySQL Tuner with MariaDB on Ubuntu 22.04

Leaving MariaDB settings out of the box may work for some people but not so productive for others, MariaDB can be a resource hog if not checked and result in issues like OOM-Killer(Out of memory) knocking it off.You can use…
Send command line server emails with Postfix on a Ubuntu Server 22.04

Here is a guide to allow a Ubuntu 22.04 server to send out local server based emails using Postfix.Test Command Line EmailTo test if emails can be sent via the command line, SSH into your server and tryecho “Is email…
Finding the Large Files on a Linux/Ubuntu Server

Reducing space on a server is a never ending task, taking out the big unnecessary large files will speed up the process. A bloated log is an example of files that may be building up on your limited disk space.…
Set hostname and fqdn in Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04 & 22.04

Hostname in Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04 & 22.04You can find and change the hostname with the commands hostname or hostnamectl in Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04, if you run the command on its own it will tell you what the current…