Swap Header Right and Title/Logo Area in Genesis Sample Theme
How to swap Header Right and the Title/Logo Area mark up structure in Genesis Sample Theme. Genesis themes most of the time come with a header site title & description area on the left and widget area on the right, this is suitable a lot of the times but on occasion you may need this…
Read MoreAdding an attribute and value to a WordPress Menu Item
Recently I had to add a Bootstrap modal trigger from a WordPress Menu item, the modal trigger requires an attribute of data-toggle with a value of modal. There is no facility to add this to a Menu Item in a menu in WP Dashboard, however their are 2 solutions on how this can be done. Their is a…
Read MoreAdding in Header Widget to Genesis Remobile Theme
By default the header widget area in Genesis Remobile Theme is unregistered but can be simply registered back in for use. This guide looks at rearranging the header area in Remobile to have the header-widget area included back in, and also put the menu on the left and less margin and padding in general. So the desktop version…
Read MoreSwap Post Title and Image Position on Archive Page in Genesis
You can swap the order of the post title and thumbnail featured image of a post on an archive page by rearranging the genesis_do_post_image from its default position in the entry content into the entry header, this is done by removing and adding the function in a higher location. In your functions.php add in function themeprefix_swap_title_image()…
Read MoreMoving the Genesis Category/Archive Headline and Intro Text
In Genesis you can set an Category/Archive headline and intro text value inside the man Category edit area; WP Dasboard > Posts > Categories The markup gets added in an .archive-description inside the main .content This is fine in almost every instance, but if you apply a masonry style layout the title and intro are…
Read MoreRemove Post Meta from Category Archive Pages in a Genesis Theme in WordPress
Archive pages in a Genesis theme by default, include the post info which displays the post author, post date and comments info and the post meta which displays the category and tag values. You may want to have these values removed or edited for your Archive pages but leave them intact for regular posts. This is possible by adding an…
Read MoreAdd a Custom Header Image in Genesis Sample Theme
The Genesis Sample theme does not have a custom Header option in the Appearance sub-menu in WordPress Dashboard unlike all the other Genesis themes. Custom Headers are a native WordPress function that can be added to any theme including the Sample theme. This option can be easily added via a code snippet into your functions.php file. //*…
Read MoreGenesis Menu Item with Float Right, Drops in Chrome
Genesis has a nifty CSS class named .right which when applied to a Menu Item will float that particular item to the right and keep the other menu items to the left. You need to apply the menu items in the correct way for it to work in Chrome. Applying the Float to Menu Items In…
Read MoreRemove all Inner HTML Mark Up Content on Genesis Home Page
To remove the inner HTML mark up content from a customised Front Page in Genesis, you can use a conditional statement to remove the ‘loop‘ just on the front page like so: //Remove Loop from Home Page function thmeprefix_remove_homepage_content() { if ( is_front_page() ) { remove_action( ‘genesis_loop’, ‘genesis_do_loop’ ); } } add_action( ‘genesis_before’,’thmeprefix_remove_homepage_content’ ); The…
Read MoreChange the Search Field Default Text in Genesis WordPress Theme
You can change the default “Search this Website…” text in the Search bar field in a Genesis WordPress theme by using a filter added to your functions.php file. //Change search form text function themeprefix_search_button_text( $text ) { return ( ‘Search text goes here…’); } add_filter( ‘genesis_search_text’, ‘themeprefix_search_button_text’ ); So in the above code a function is…
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