How to Add Web Fonts to Beaver Builder Plugin and Theme

Add Web Fonts Beaver Builder

…in your theme folder.   Then add in via enqueuing… Once enqueued add for the Beaver Builder modules in via fl_builder_font_families_system filter… Just repeat the formatting as above…

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Generate SSH Private and Public Keys in macOS Big Sur

Macos Ssh Keys

…use the cat command and copy the contents: cat ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA2CtcmYRmQJX04pZnrTPrU68BZMk9YlbI6CUcFUp RVw29p V7mxW16wd/q9z7n+xytqdp4wsAc/7+24ZVikMhhRetEGr3LSBz5gm9980oTPEy61+pDP2y jafShe5xcszIUnQ rN1ohCuF7Y/a/TG6G6gaJGcLexUiwfTRtCAbpuzfU= [email protected] On the remote computer if needed, change the permssions on the authorized_keys file…

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