Tab to Accordion Responsive Layouts in WordPress

There is a nice responsive Tabs plugin which is jQuery based called aptly called Responsive-Tabs, it handles changing the layout from a tabbed content structure to an accordion layout at a set media query size. The accordion layout is better suited for smaller mobile/tablet sizes. Going from tab to accordion… To a smaller viewport setting……

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Change the Genesis Theme Copyright Line in Footer for WordPress

Genesis Themes have a footer credit copyright line at the base of the page. This includes the copyright and Genesis framework link with a couple of standard WordPress default links. To change this, you can add a new function and filter into your functions.php of your Genesis child theme… Adding the Function //Changing the Credits function wpb_footer_creds_text () { echo…

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Set a conditional argument for multiple Custom Post Types in WordPress


You can set a conditional argument for multiple custom post types in WordPress using in_array The format is like so… if( in_array( get_post_type(), array( ‘treatment’, ‘package’ )) ) {//add in cpts here // do stuff } else { //what all the other post types get // do other  stuff } } It searches the array of cpts…

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