Temporarily Turn off Modsec filtering

Turn Off Modsec

You can temporarily turn off Modsec filtering by adding a code snippet rule to your .htacces file, this can be helpful if you are triggering a number of rules which are false positives or you are unable to get the rules whitelisted whilst you do your development. Add into .htaccess <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST…

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Git WordPress workflow for Local Development to Staging Site

This guide shows a Git WordPress workflow and demonstrates version control using Git from a local development environment on macOS to a staging site web server. For the Database control and pushing to staging, we will use WP Migrate Pro. A second remote repo for a production server would also need to be added in a real-world scenario. This…

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Replacing the default ServerPilot Firewall with your own using UFW


ServerPilot comes with a default firewall enabled when you connect to a droplet instance such as from Vultr or Digital Ocean, the only option you have from the ServerPilot control panel is to toggle if on or off. The actual firewall used is called UFW (uncomplicated firewall) which is a simplistic wrapper over the underlying IP…

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Set Up LMD Maldet and ClamAV on ServerPilot and VULTR


Set up a malware scanner with LMD Maldet and ClamAV on ServerPilot and an instance like Vultr or Digital Ocean. One of the key server malware scanners is Linux Malware Detect and works very nicely scanning any Linux distribution, it keeps an updated database of known malware exploits from an updated registry. The Linux Malware Detect tool can also integrate…

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Changing the SSH Port in ServerPilot


ServerPilot comes with a default firewall which is enabled and comes in the form of a toggle in the ServerPilot control panel. The panel is a front for the ufw (uncomplicated firewall)  app which in turn is a front for ip tables but with a lower learning curve, by default the below rules are the…

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Viewing and Changing WordPress Default Permissions


Many issues can go wrong if your WordPress default permissions have changed due to some unforeseen circumstance or a migration has gone bad due to some abnormal hosting environment. The default Linux permissions for most hosts WordPress sites are 644 for files and 755 for folders which is:  file is rw-r–r– folder is drwxr-xr-x For a file…

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