Add Modern Tribe Event Categories as CSS classes in Event Posts

Modern Tribe Event Category

…in. add_filter( ‘body_class’, ‘cp_event_taxonomy_in_body_class’ ); // Ref – // Add event categories terms to body class of event posts function cp_event_taxonomy_in_body_class( $classes ){ global $wp_query; $event_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); if…

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Using MySQL Tuner with MariaDB on Ubuntu 22.04

Mariadb Tuning

… Run the tool: ./ This is the type of output you will get: ——– MyISAM Metrics —————————————————————————- [–] No MyISAM table(s) detected …. ——– InnoDB Metrics —————————————————————————- [–] InnoDB…

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