Change WooCommerce Checkout Page To A 2-Column Layout
The default WooCommerce checkout page layout doesn’t make great use of a 2nd right hand column and looks a bit disjointed. Here is some CSS that can push the product order data to the 2nd column balancing the layout more evenly, making for a better user experience whilst checking out. The CSS kicks in at…
Read MoreCreate an extra Widget Areas in WordPress TwentyTwelve
How to create extra widget areas in WordPress – this tutorial uses the TwentyTwelve theme but this can be used on any WordPress theme. WordPress themes come with a certain number of widgets per theme to position content on the page, for example the TwentyTwelve theme has a sidebar and 2 home page widget areas, you…
Read MoreSwap WordPress TwentyTwelve Mobile Menu to Slick Navigation Menu
How to use Slick Navigation menus in a WordPress theme, you can use the jquery responsive menus in any theme, this guide will use a clean default WordPress TwentyTwelve child theme, remove the existing responsive mobile menu used and use the slick navigation menus instead. There is a Genesis version of the guide here. Also…
Read MoreDe-register De-queue WordPress Loaded Scripts & Styles
You can de-register and de-queue WordPress loaded javascripts and CSS styles by passing them into the wp_print_scripts function. This can help with fewer server requests if the scripts are no longer required or if a conflict is occurring. So for example if I wanted to remove the WordPress TwentyTwelve default mobile menu javascript you would use: //Remove twentywelve…
Read MoreRemove HTML Tags and Attributes in WordPress Comments
Bu default WordPress comments have instructions for users on how to use HTML tags and attributes in the actual comments, many users are turned off by this, here is how to remove HTML Tags and Attributes section in the post comments form in WordPress theme. By default this format appears in a few themes including Twenty…
Read MoreRemove Featured Image from Post in Twenty Twelve WordPress Theme
Twenty Twelve WordPress Theme sets a big old ‘Featured Image’ on top of the post content if the featured image is set in a post. To remove the Featured Image from this area but keep it intact for excerpts where it shows elsewhere you need to hack it in CSS or edit the content.php file,…
Read MoreMaking Full Width Headers and Footers in WordPress TwentyTwelve Theme
How to create a full width header and footer in WordPress’s responsive Twenty Twelve theme. Example Site. Create a Child Theme First up you should really create and work from a Child Theme Make Header and Footer Copies to Child Theme Copy your header.php and footer.php files from twentytwelve to your twentytwelvechild theme folder. Your…
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