Swap Header Right and Title/Logo Area in Genesis Sample Theme

How to swap Header Right and the Title/Logo Area mark up structure in Genesis Sample Theme. Genesis themes most of the time come with a header site title & description area on the left and widget area on the right,…

Adding an attribute and value to a WordPress Menu Item

Recently I had to add a Bootstrap modal trigger from a WordPress Menu item, the modal trigger requires an attribute of data-toggle with a value of modal. There is no facility to add this to a Menu Item in a menu in…

Swap Post Title and Image Position on Archive Page in Genesis

You can swap the order of the post title and thumbnail featured image of a post on an archive page by rearranging the genesis_do_post_image from its default position in the entry content into the entry header, this is done by removing…

Moving the Genesis Category/Archive Headline and Intro Text

In Genesis you can set an Category/Archive headline and intro text value inside the man Category edit area; WP Dasboard > Posts > Categories The markup gets added in an .archive-description inside the main .content This is fine in almost…

Remove all Inner HTML Mark Up Content on Genesis Home Page

To remove the inner HTML mark up content from a customised Front Page in Genesis, you can use a conditional statement to remove the ‘loop’ just on the front page like so: //Remove Loop from Home Page function thmeprefix_remove_homepage_content() {…

Create Another Header-Right Widget Area in Genesis Theme to Display on Certain Posts and Categories


I had to create a separate Genesis Header-Right Widget Area for a client that needed to display different elements in the widget for posts in a certain category. This can be achieved with conditional widget logic plugins but can also…

Creating Full Width Fluid Divs in Genesis Theme for Sales/Landing Page

Getting full width pages in Genesis – Its colorful and long and goes on and on and on – sales landing pages.   To create these types of full width pages in a Genesis child theme you need to edit…