Add a WooCommerce missing action hook with shortcode in Beaver Builder

Some themes or plugins remove native action hooks in WordPress / WooCommerce, however you can add them back in the layout with another action hook or shortcode insertion.Beaver Builder is missing some WooCommerce action hooks one such one is woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title…
Add a banner based on Custom Taxonomy Term in a Beaver Themer Posts Module loop

How you can add a banner to a post in a loop in a Beaver Builder posts module using a custom layout based on a custom taxonomy term.First up is to create you Custom Taxonomy either with a plugin or…
Output a Custom Taxonomy Archive by using Loop in WordPress

You can’t use a WordPress archive taxonomy page for a custom taxonomy as the custom terms are the archive – but you may want a sort of global taxonomy page that contains all the custom terms.Here is a custom taxonomy…
Image Carousel Thumbnail Slider with SwiperJS and ACF in WordPress

Here is a guide on how to make an image carousel thumbnail slider with SwiperJS and ACF in WordPress. (I have done a similar tutorial with LightersliderJS but that library is no longer updated). Using SwiperJS, I just want to…
Output WordPress Custom Query Posts Loop in Bootstrap Modals

Here is some code to output a custom loop via Shortcode that will display a posts full content in a Bootstrap Modal without linking back to the single post page. This is done on a WordPress theme that has the…
Create a WooCommerce Featured Products Loop of Featured Images

Here is a guide on how to create a WooCommerce featured products loop of featured images. The featured product option is chosen from the star column in the WordPress dashboard backend of the WooCommerce products, ‘featured’ it is a term…
Image Carousel Thumbnail Slider with ACF Gallery Field in WordPress

Here is a guide on how to make an image carousel thumbnail slider with ACF in WordPress using the ACF gallery field. Lightslider, a lightweight image slider seems to fit the bill perfectly – I need it to just display simple…
Create An ACF Repeater Bootstrap Accordion in WordPress

Create An ACF Repeater Bootstrap Accordion for use in WordPress. Accordions can be a handy way of managing larger amounts of data to display only certain bits at a time this guide shows how to use a Boostrap accordion with…
Create A Bootstrap 4 Carousel Slider With ACF Image Repeater

Here is how to create a Bootstrap 4 carousel slider of images with ACF Pro Repeater field in WordPress. There are a few options in that the Bootstrap carousel can be plain, add navigation and add a caption, 4 examples…
Create a Loop of Bootstrap 4 Tabs in WordPress with ACF Repeater

This tutorial looks to Create a while loop of Bootstrap 4 Tabs with an ACF Repeater field in WordPress. You need to already have Bootstrap 4 enabled in your theme and ACF Pro plugin installed. Create the ACF Repeater fields…