Create an ACF Repeater Loop of Bootstrap Modals in WordPress

Foreach Loop Bootsrap Modals

Create a while loop of Bootstrap Modals with an ACF Repeater field in WordPress. Create the ACF Repeater fields.   You can create as many fields as needed, this example uses 3 basic fields, assign the field group to a post or page and populate the repeater rows. Add the ACF Loop Code View the…

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Creating a loop of Bootstrap Modals

Foreach Loop Bootsrap Modals

To create a loop of Bootstrap style modals on a page, you can use a foreach or while loop in PHP. First, let’s do the code for one modal. Single Modal Code <!– Button to Open the Modal –> <button type=”button” class=”btn btn-primary” data-toggle=”modal” data-target=”#myModal”> Open modal </button> <!– The Modal –> <div class=”modal” id=”myModal”>…

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