Aligning the last element in a Beaver Builder Posts Module

Beaver Builder Align Buttons

Here is how to align the last element across multiple columns in Beaver Builder Posts Module with Flexbox – this would typically be a button or a read more link.In the Posts Module ensure Equal Heights is enabled as this…

Adding a Sticky Footer to Beaver Builder Theme with CSS

A sticky footer refers to a web page footer that sticks to the foot of the page even when there is not a lot of content on the page, without one the footer will ride up leaving the layout somewhat unsightly.  …

Add Search Icon After Menu using Beaver Themer with the Beaver Theme


Here’s how you can add a search icon after a menu in a header done in the Beaver Theme using Beaver Themer. Create a Shortcode for the Beaver Builder Search function add_shortcode( ‘bb_search’,’bb_search_shortcode’ ); /* Add Search via shortcode */…

Fixing BuddyPress Profile Page CSS on a Genesis Theme


When you look at a BuddyPress profile page on a full width page with no sidebar when using a WordPress default theme like Twenty Sixteen it looks a lot better than when viewing in a Genesis starter theme…    …

Adding Flexbox CSS to WooCommerce Shop and Products


You can add Flexbox to WooCommerce shop page, product category archives and related products rows and actual products with a few lines of CSS – this will ensure that the products will line up nicely aligned top to bottom. WooCommerce CSS…

Adding a Sticky Footer to Genesis Theme with Flexbox

A sticky footer refers to a web page footer that sticks to the foot of the page even when there is not a lot of content on the page, without one the footer will ride up leaving the layout somewhat unsightly.  …

Aligning Last Item to the Bottom of a Container in Flexbox


In a column based Flexbox layout you may want the last item to align to the bottom of the parent container – something you can achieve with the margin property – consider a simple column  layout but it is in…

Centering The Last Item In A Flexbox Container


I’m using flexbox more and really liking it, I’ve hit an issue a few times with center aligning the last item in an uneven row of elements inside a flexbox row container when using the justify-content: space-between; flexbox property, you…

Flexbox – some notes on Container and Child Item Properties and Values


This is not a tutorial as such, just a bunch of notes for myself as I start to utilize flexbox more in my layouts, there is quite a lot of great guides with working layout interactive examples but I am…