Hide the Description and Reviews Tabs in WooCommerce Products


WooCommerce products by default show  ‘description’ and ‘reviews’ tabs below the product on a WordPress product page, you can hide these tabs from view as well as a third tab ‘additional information’ with a snippet of code that goes in your…

Change @WordPress from email address and from name sent out from website

Change Default From Email Address

WordPress sends a few emails out from a website including password reset emails that have a from email address [email protected] they also have a from name of WordPress. Two WordPress filters can change these values wp_mail_from and wp_mail_from_name – add…

Adding a loading icon spinner on Search & Filter Pro Archive Page


Search & Filter Pro is a great WordPress filter tool, here is a guide to add a loading icon animation whilst the page is ajax refreshed when the user has selected a filter request and is waiting for the page…

Add a Different CSS Body Class to a Page in WordPress

Using WordPress filter ‘body_class’ you can add a unique CSS class to the body element of a page by passing in what pages you want the new CSS class applied to. So in the above code I want an additional…

Filtering the Gallery Image Output in WordPress – Adding Class or Data Attribute


To manipulate the linked images, specifically the links themselves in the WordPress Gallery output for doing things like adding in a CSS class or a data attribute value you can use the post_gallery filter in /wp-includes/media.php which is the right tool for the job. The…

Genesis Title Toggle on Custom Post Types – Learn Dash


By default Genesis Title Toggle only works on pages, but you can enable it for regular posts and custom post types by using a filter that the plugin comes with – in the example below I need it enabled for…

Adding Classes and Attributes to HTML elements in Genesis

Attributes can be added into various HTML markup elements via filters in the Genesis Framework, these attributes can be adding in an ID or additional CSS Class, or amending the Microdata Schema including role, itemscope or itemtype attributes. The HTML markup elements/sections…

Add HTML Tags and Attributes back into Comments in WordPress

Since WordPress 3, the notice of being able to use HTML Tags and Attributes has been removed and there is just an empty string, which means that the use of the allowed tags in comments is still feasible but readers…

Increase JetPacks Amount of Related Posts in WordPress


By default the related posts module from JetPack shows 3 related posts at the end of a regular single post in WordPress. You can use a JetPack filter to increase the amount of JetPack related posts with  – jetpack_relatedposts_filter_options. You would…

Remove Default Sort in WooCommerce and ‘Showing All Results’ Notice

In an e-commerce environment using WooCommerce when there is only a few products to sell, it is cleaner and more intuitive to rid the space of some clutter – such as the ‘Default Sorting’ options dropdown and the display notice…