Get Beaver Theme Customizer Setting Values

You can get the value of Beaver Theme customizer settings values with FLTheme::get_setting which is similar to the get_theme_mod function, it works like so. FLTheme::get_setting( ‘fl-body-font-family’ ); So in the above, the font value is got from the Customizer >…
Change Default Values in Beaver Builder Themes Customizer Settings

The Beaver Builder Themes default values in the Customizer can be changed with the fl_theme_add_panel_data filter. These are the values when you click on the default button that return a value set from the original code. The filter is found…
Changing the Customizer Values & Presets for the Beaver Builder Theme

Here is a quick way to override the active preset that comes with the Beaver Builder Theme in the Customizer. This may come in handy if you need to start off with your own preset settings and perhaps remove all the…
Add WooCommerce Styles to The Customizer in WordPress

Adding the WooCommerce styles to the Customizer in WordPress can help you quickly style and scaffold some common components of WooCommerce. This tutorial takes you through how to set that up in a WordPress starter theme using a child theme.…
Add Custom Logo Schema to Beaver Themer Header Layout

Custom Logo was introduced in WordPress 4.5 and provides a way to upload your main logo to your header and display microdata logo schema for a company, here is a way to include it in a Beaver Themer header layout…
Add Featured Image at top of Single Post/Page in Genesis

One of the latest themes from Genesis has the ability to show the featured image that is set to appear at the top of a post or page, the setting is shown in the Customizer and is enabled by default…
How to Add Extra Settings to Default Customizer Sections in WordPress

WordPress has a number of default Customizer panels that are in core and applied to all themes – these include Menu and Widgets as well as Site Identity and Static Front Page. Once you add_theme_supports in your themes function.php…
Using the new WordPress custom-logo theme support with Genesis

WordPress 4.5 added a new theme support feature for using a custom logo which allows a logo to be uploaded and used via the Customizer, this guide take you through using it with Genesis using the Sample Theme for an example.…
Adding a Text Block via the Customizer in WordPress

This guide takes you through adding an editable text block via the Customizer in WordPress, this tutorial uses the Genesis Sample theme and will set the footer text which is normally changed via a filter in the functions.php file in a…
Using Customizer to add a CSS background image to widget in WordPress

Here is a guide to add a single background image to a widget using the Customizer in WordPress, I have written up on this topic before utilising some Genesis code used in the Altitude Pro theme to be able to use on other Genesis…