Make an Alias in Bash or Zsh Shell in macOS with Terminal
To make aliases of macOS Unix commands in your bash or zsh shell on macOS and earlier versions, it is done via your .bash_profile or .zshrc file which lives in your home account directory, if the file does not already exist, just create one. As of macOS 10.6 Catalina and its successor Big Sur, Apple…
Read MoreHow to Add to the Shell Path in macOS Big Sur and Catalina using Terminal
The shell path for a user in macOS is a set of paths in the filing system whereby the user has permissions to use certain applications, commands and programs without the need to specify the full path to that command or program in the Terminal. So instead of running something like this, with a path to…
Read MoreWhere is the bash shell in macos Monterey and Big Sur?
The bash shell in macos Monterey, Big Sur and Catalina has been demoted to the subs bench with the newer zsh shell is now the default shell in use by the new operating system. Also known as the Z shell, it has been around a while, since 1990 (bash was 1988), it is still a…
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