Tweaking RunCloud Servers After Deployment

Tweaking Runcloud Servers

Here are some references for various fix ups or tweaks that I apply to servers with the RunCloud control panel. These are not all done inclusively, it depends on the need. Change root password The root password initially generated by your host provider might be on the weaker side always best to change and strengthen it.…

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Turn off SSH passwords in Ubuntu, connect via SSH keys only

Ssh Keys

Once you have a successful connection to your remote instance with SSH keys, it is better practice to disable SSH Password Authentication to mitigate further bruteforce password attempts, this coupled with a service like Fail2ban will further strengthen your Virtual instance. Remote into your VPS via SSH and open the SSH config file: nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config…

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Generate SSH Private and Public Keys in macOS Big Sur

Macos Ssh Keys

This guide goes through setting up SSH keys on macOS Big Sur 11 and olfer macos’es back to Mac OSX 10.11 and also a secure password-less SSH connection between a local macOS workstation and a remote server also running a Linux variant operating system. The process requires generating a public and private key on the…

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