Create An ACF Repeater Bootstrap Accordion in WordPress

Create An ACF Repeater Bootstrap Accordion for use in WordPress. Accordions can be a handy way of managing larger amounts of data to display only certain bits at a time this guide shows how to use a Boostrap accordion with…
Create A Bootstrap 4 Carousel Slider With ACF Image Repeater

Here is how to create a Bootstrap 4 carousel slider of images with ACF Pro Repeater field in WordPress. There are a few options in that the Bootstrap carousel can be plain, add navigation and add a caption, 4 examples…
Create a Loop of Bootstrap 4 Tabs in WordPress with ACF Repeater

This tutorial looks to Create a while loop of Bootstrap 4 Tabs with an ACF Repeater field in WordPress. You need to already have Bootstrap 4 enabled in your theme and ACF Pro plugin installed. Create the ACF Repeater fields…
Create An ACF Repeater Accordion in WordPress

Create An ACF Repeater Accordion for use in WordPress. Accordions can be a handy way of managing larger amounts of data to display only certain bits at a time. Create the ACF Repeater fields for the accordion. You can…
Create A Responsive Bootstrap 4 Tab/Accordion ACF Repeater Loop

Create a Responsive Bootstrap 4 Tab/Accordion ACF Repeater Loop for use in WordPress. Bootstrap 4 Tabs stay as tabs in all viewport sizes which isn’t great responsively for larger content, however, this code has been adjusted to go from Bootstrap…
Create an ACF Repeater Loop of Bootstrap Modals in WordPress

Create a while loop of Bootstrap Modals with an ACF Repeater field in WordPress. Create the ACF Repeater fields. You can create as many fields as needed, this example uses 3 basic fields, assign the field group to a…
Get an Array of Values from an ACF Repeater Choice SubField

Get an array of values from an ACF repeater sub-field choice box to use further in your code. So in the sap_colors sub-field above I want to capture the red,blue and green values into an array and have that array…
Adding & Sorting ACF Repeater Field Data into Responsive Tabs

Using responsive tabs and ACF repeater field you can present a clean easy to use client back end field submission in the WP Admin dashboard that can sort repeater field data into appropriate tabbed content. The front end display to the…
Create Tabbed Content in WordPress with ACF Repeater and Tabslet

This tutorial walks through how to create a Tabbed content section in WordPress using Advanced Custom Fields and Tabslet. ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Pro comes with an addon called the Repeater field which allows a user to perpetually add additional rows of data of certain…