Get Beaver Theme Customizer Setting Values

Beaver Theme Customizer Values

You can get the value of Beaver Theme customizer settings values with FLTheme::get_setting which is similar to the get_theme_mod function, it works like so. FLTheme::get_setting( ‘fl-body-font-family’ ); So in the above, the font value is got from the Customizer >…

Fixing BuddyPress Profile Page CSS on Beaver Builder Theme


When you look at a BuddyPress profile page on a full width page with no sidebar when using a WordPress default theme like Twenty Sixteen it looks a lot better than when viewing it in Beaver Builder theme…    …

Override the Beaver Builder LightBox Plugin

Here is a quick guide on how to override the Beaver Builder Lightbox plugin in which you may wish to run another lightbox plugin instead. If you are using the Beaver Builder plugin, then add in your theme’s function.php add_filter(…

Change Default Values in Beaver Builder Themes Customizer Settings

Change Default Customizer Settings Beaver Builder

The Beaver Builder Themes default values in the Customizer can be changed with the fl_theme_add_panel_data filter. These are the values when you click on the default button that return a value set from the original code. The filter is found…

Changing the Customizer Values & Presets for the Beaver Builder Theme


Here is a quick way to override the active preset that comes with the Beaver Builder Theme in the Customizer. This may come in handy if you need to start off with your own preset settings and perhaps remove all the…

Adding a Sticky Footer to Beaver Builder Theme with CSS

A sticky footer refers to a web page footer that sticks to the foot of the page even when there is not a lot of content on the page, without one the footer will ride up leaving the layout somewhat unsightly.  …

Add Search Icon After Menu using Beaver Themer with the Beaver Theme


Here’s how you can add a search icon after a menu in a header done in the Beaver Theme using Beaver Themer. Create a Shortcode for the Beaver Builder Search function add_shortcode( ‘bb_search’,’bb_search_shortcode’ ); /* Add Search via shortcode */…

Make the Top Bar Sticky in Beaver Builder Theme


Beaver Builder Theme has the option to make sticky the page header which shrinks after a little scroll and sticks to the head of the page, but this does not apply to the ‘page top bar’ if used which just…

Add System Font Stack to Customiser Preset in Beaver Builder Theme & Plugin


A system font stack is a series of fonts that are native to Apple, Windows and Linux desktop and mobile operating systems, they are inbuilt so are fast to load and provide a relatively comfortable and consistent display across different…

Add Category and Tag Archive Descriptions in Beaver Builder Theme


Here is a way to add the category or tag description to the archive page under the archive title of a Beaver Builder Child Theme which does not show by default, to do this we will copy a couple of…