Add a banner based on Custom Taxonomy Term in a Beaver Themer Posts Module loop

How you can add a banner to a post in a loop in a Beaver Builder posts module using a custom layout based on a custom taxonomy term.First up is to create you Custom Taxonomy either with a plugin or…
Redirect a Custom Post Type’s Single and Archive Pages in WordPress

You may find that you need to hide or redirect a custom post types single or archive pages or even both in WordPress. This may be the case if you are outputting a custom loop of CPTs and don’t want…
Changing the Genesis Archive Page Settings for Custom Post Types

By default all archive pages and types in Genesis share the same archive settings as set in the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives section, but you can change these settings for a specific custom post type archive and…
Remove Archive Title & Description from Blog Page in Genesis

Genesis adds in an archive title and description at the top of each archive page, depending on which type of archive page you use, there is a way to remove these from the mark up on the page. Since Genesis…
Remove Archive Title on all the Archive Pages in Genesis

Here’s how you can remove all the archive titles that appear at the header of various archive pages in your Genesis Theme, you can either remove all of them or selectively choose which one… Add the code snippet to your functions.php…
Remove Archive Title & Description from Custom Post Type Archive in Genesis

Change Archive Title and Description of Custom Post Type Archive At the head of a custom post type archive page is an archive title and description by default, the title will inherit the name of the custom post type, you…
Outputting the First or Last Repeater Row in ACF to a Widget in WordPress

This guide follows on from a previous one using ACF Pro repeater field group to output rows of Testimonials on a WordPress page instead of using a custom post type single/archive structure. What I wanted to also show is how…
Using ACF Repeater Field to create Testimonial Archive in Genesis

How to create a testimonial page in Genesis using Advanced Custom Fields. ACF Pro comes with a great inclusion called the Repeater field which allows a user to continually add a row of data of certain custom fields, similar to single/archive…
Swap Post Title and Image Position on Archive Page in Genesis
You can swap the order of the post title and thumbnail featured image of a post on an archive page by rearranging the genesis_do_post_image from its default position in the entry content into the entry header, this is done by removing…
Moving the Genesis Category/Archive Headline and Intro Text
In Genesis you can set an Category/Archive headline and intro text value inside the man Category edit area; WP Dasboard > Posts > Categories The markup gets added in an .archive-description inside the main .content This is fine in almost…