Creating a FAQ Page in WordPress using ACF and jQuery

How to create a FAQ page in WordPress using Advanced Custom Fields and jQuery. ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Pro comes with a great inclusion called the Repeater field which allows a user to continually add additional rows of data of certain custom fields to…

Coding a User Friendly Carousel Slider in WordPress


This tutorial uses Slick and Advanced Custom Fields Pro to code a user friendly carousel slider in WordPress. It uses the gallery field from which a user can easily add or change order of slides without having to touch the code. The…

Coding a Slider with Slick and ACF Pro in WordPress

Slick is a nifty jquery plugin that makes spiffy (yes I said spiffy) sliders, combined with Advanced Custom Fields Pro gallery field you can make an easy to use client interface to allow them to add images to a slider…

Outputting the First or Last Repeater Row in ACF to a Widget in WordPress

acf single repeater row

This guide follows on from a previous one using ACF Pro repeater field group to output rows of Testimonials on a WordPress page instead of using a custom post type single/archive structure. What I wanted to also show is how…

Using ACF Repeater Field to create Testimonial Archive in Genesis

How to create a testimonial page in Genesis using Advanced Custom Fields. ACF Pro comes with a great inclusion called the Repeater field which allows a user to continually add a row of data of certain custom fields, similar to single/archive…