Are your FontAwesome 5 icons appearing as blank squares “□ □ □ □” ? Are the icons displaying on Desktop ok but not displaying on iOS Mobile Safari iPhones or iPads? – you need to tighten up your CSS rules in order for them to display correctly.
Add FontAwesome 5 CSS
First up is to call the correct FontAwesome CSS.
Add in the FontAwesome 5 CSS either via a wp_enqueue action or a CSS import.
So in your functions.php add …
wp_enqueue_style( 'font-awesome-free', '//' );
or in your style.css add …
@import url("//");
You can find out the latest FontAwesome 5 version here , you can either use the URL on cdnjs or amend the fontawesome version in the above url.
CSS Pseudo Elements
You need to ensure that the font-weight and font-family CSS selectors and values are properly declared. You need to know which if the three families you are using in the FontAwesome suite; Regular, Solid or Brands to choose the appropriate font weight.
FontAwesome Font Weights
- Solid = 900
- Regular =400
- Brands = 400
FontAwesome Font Families
There are 2 fontawesome font families that need to be declared in CSS depending on which one you are using.
- Solid = Font Awesome 5 Free
- Regular = Font Awesome 5 Free
- Brands = Font Awesome 5 Brands
CSS MarkUp
.myclass:before { content: '\f017'; /* font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands'; If using Brand */ font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free'; /* font-weight: 400; If using Brands or Regular */ font-weight: 900; }
I don’t know why, I had the same problem just with MacOS, using pseudo elements. Font-family “Fontawesome” worked with Windows, “Font Awesome 5 Free” fixed the issue.
Very helpful! Thanks!
This solved my problem! I was using font-family: ‘Font Awesome’ not ‘Font Awesome 5 Free’, this made my day, thank you!