Here’s how you can add a search icon after a menu in a header done in the Beaver Theme using Beaver Themer.
Create a Shortcode for the Beaver Builder Search function
add_shortcode( 'bb_search','bb_search_shortcode' ); /* Add Search via shortcode */ function bb_search_shortcode() { ob_start(); FLTheme::nav_search(); return ob_get_clean(); }
Create the Header in Beaver Themer
Create a new header theme layout in Beaver Themer by adding the menu and a HTML module in a row – in the HTML module add the shortcode made above using [bb_search]
Add CSS Classes
To the row – main-menu-search-row
To the menu column – main-menu-col
To the HTML column – main-search-col
Turn off Equalize Column Heights
Add Some CSS
.main-menu-search-row .fl-col-group { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; } .main-menu-col { width: auto; } .main-search-col { position: relative; top: 5px; width: auto; } .main-search-col .fl-page-nav-search { display: block; }
Now everything should be centered and also the search icon by default is hidden under 992px, the last CSS rule above overrides that.
Abby Buzon
Thank you again WP Beaches! I’m always dumbfounded when there’s a native theme option that can’t be recreated in Themer. You guys have been a lifesaver time and time again!
This feature is really missing in Beaver Builder Menu module.
Well done, nice work; simple to apply and efficient! ;-)