MySQL/MariaDB [Warning] Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than 32768 (request: 100000)

Mariadb Tuning

Seeing the warning recently on a number of VMs running MySQL/MariaDB. [Warning] Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than 32768 (request: 100000) A MariaDB process has requested a larger amount of open files, you can verify the current limit by starting a mysql session on your server and adding on the command line:…

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Converting MySQL/MariaDB database tables from MyISAM to InnoDB

Myisam Convert Innodb Storage Engine Wordpress

The InnoDB storage engine in MySQL/MariaDB is more performant than MyISAM – here are a few ways to change that database structure, using both the command line and also some WordPress plugins. Changing from MyISAM to InnoDB via the command line If you have wp-cli installed on your webserver you can check for MyISAM tables…

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Git WordPress workflow for Local Development to Staging Site

This guide shows a Git WordPress workflow and demonstrates version control using Git from a local development environment on macOS to a staging site web server. For the Database control and pushing to staging, we will use WP Migrate Pro. A second remote repo for a production server would also need to be added in a real-world scenario. This…

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Import / Export a mysql database on the command line

Remove Mysql Databse Macos

To export a mysql database (as a dump) from the command line run: mysqldump database_name > database_exportname.sql To import a mysql database dump into a database: mysql database_name < database_exportname.sql To export all databases into a dump: mysqldump –all-databases > all_databases_export.sql To import one of these mysql databases from the dump into a database: mysql…

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