Show All the Tags in WordPress Post Editor

Want to show all the tags in the WordPress post editor, so you can easily tag a post with all available tags – you can with get_terms_args In your functions.php add in… add_filter( ‘get_terms_args’, ‘themeprefix_show_tags’ ); // Show Tags function…
Remove Archive Title on all the Archive Pages in Genesis

Here’s how you can remove all the archive titles that appear at the header of various archive pages in your Genesis Theme, you can either remove all of them or selectively choose which one… Add the code snippet to your functions.php…
Add Custom Taxonomy Post Meta Terms to Custom Post Type in Genesis WordPress

To add in the post meta of custom taxonomy terms into custom post types in Genesis WordPress theme you need to create a function with a conditional that equals the custom post type then set the post meta using shortcode which includes the taxonomy terms, then apply a…
Create and Add Custom Taxonomy to WordPress Posts

Custom Taxonomies are a great way to organise content and should be added to WordPress via a plugin so if a theme is swapped the taxonomies are maintained. Taxonomies are either hierarchal similar to ‘Categories’ or flat, similar to ‘Tags’. You…