Add a WooCommerce Sidebar with Genesis Simple Sidebars

Here is how to add a separate sidebar for WooCommerce pages using Genesis Simple Sidebars. One of the ways to make WooCommerce and Genesis play nicely is using a plugin called  Genesis Connect for WooCommerce , but users are having issues with…

Set a Sidebar to all posts of a Custom Post Type in Genesis

sidebar set custom post type

Simple Sidebars is a great plugin to use different sidebars on posts, pages, categories and tags in a Genesis theme. You can set a certain sidebar to appear on all posts of a specific custom post type (CPT). function themeprefix_remove_default_sidebar() {…

Set a certain Sidebar to Categories and Tags or Posts with Simple Sidebars installed on Genesis

Simple Sidebars is a great plugin to use different sidebars on posts, pages, categories and tags in a Genesis theme. Easy to set up and set for individual pieces of content. However their is no option to bulk set a…