Coding a Slider with Slick and ACF Pro in WordPress

Slick is a nifty jquery plugin that makes spiffy (yes I said spiffy) sliders, combined with Advanced Custom Fields Pro gallery field you can make an easy to use client interface to allow them to add images to a slider…

Using wp_localize_script with jQuery variables including strings, booleans and integers

set a jquery value via wp-localize-script

The use of wp_localize_script is an API in WordPress is to retrieve PHP values from the database to use in javascript/jquery scripts, it can also be utilized to make string values language translatable if required, but also used to pass user defined variables/settings say…

Up and running with Sidr Off Canvas Menu for WordPress

Sidr is a very popular jQuery off canvas menu that can slide content from the left or right into the viewport which is a great solution for mobile or tablet display. Here’s how to get it up and running in…