Add Copyright Symbol and Year Date in PHP

To add a copyright symbol and year date in PHP that updates with the current year, you can use the code below… © <?php echo date (‘Y’); ?> An HTML entity is used for the copyright symbol, then you have…
Remove Genesis Header and Footer Content

Removing the Genesis Header and Footer areas can be accomplished with the following code which removes not only the Genesis header and footer areas but also removes the menu and breadcrumb and footer widgets content… //* Remove site header elements remove_action( ‘genesis_header’, ‘genesis_header_markup_open’, 5…
Add a Genesis Footer Widget Area to include extra content
In a lot of Genesis Child themes, the footer has the copyright and credit text but no widget area to add or edit content, most themes do have up to three footer widgets but your design may require these areas and then another…
How to Add a Footer or Tertiary Menu to a Genesis Child Theme
Genesis comes with 2 menus ready to go, the Primary and Secondary menus, by default these sit on top of one another in the framework and Genesis Sample theme: This tutorial takes you through how to make a third menu…
Create a Footer Area with Left and Right Widgets in Genesis Child Theme
In the Sample Genesis Theme or a vanilla Child Theme, there is no actual Footer Widget Area, rather just a credit & copyright line with links. This is how to create a new footer area with a left and…
Add a Full Width Row Above Footer Widgets in Genesis Child Theme

How to add a full width content row in the area directly above the footer widgets in a Genesis Child theme. In the layout above, the three footer widgets are used for 3 products, but a headline needs to straddle…
How to Change the Footer Appearance in Thesis 1.8 WordPress Theme

To change the footer element in Thesis 1.8 theme for WordPress you need to take care of a couple of things, there are two links in the footer that need to be removed, custom CSS and HTML then need to…