Block xmlrpc.php requests from Cloudflares firewall apart from JetPack

Xmlrpc Block

You can block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests from Cloudflare but exclude the JetPack IP addresses by creating a custom firewall rule, attacks on xmlrpc.php are frequent and it is best now disabled as it will be deprecated from WordPress in the future. However, some of the more popular WordPress plugins such as JetPack still need to…

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Replacing the default ServerPilot Firewall with your own using UFW


ServerPilot comes with a default firewall enabled when you connect to a droplet instance such as from Vultr or Digital Ocean, the only option you have from the ServerPilot control panel is to toggle if on or off. The actual firewall used is called UFW (uncomplicated firewall) which is a simplistic wrapper over the underlying IP…

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