How to change the header size in TwentyEleven and TwentyTen
To change the header size in width or height or both of the TwentyEleven or TwentyTen theme in WordPress you need to add a snippet of code to the ‘functions.php’ file in your parent theme or child theme – the preference is to make a child theme and create/change the functions.php file in there. The reason for this is…
Read MoreAdding a Footer Menu to Twenty Eleven Theme WordPress
To add a menu to the footer of the WordPress Twenty Eleven, Twenty Ten or other themes, you need to register an additional menu, create it, position it and style it. This is best done in a child theme as when the theme is updated then any changes you make are lost but if you have…
Read MoreDelete Author and Date Information under WordPress Posts for the Twenty Ten Theme
Delete author and date credits for posts in the TwentyTen WordPress theme – for rolling posts edit loop.php and for single page posts edit loop-single.php Comment out or (delete) twentyten_posted_on as below on the second line. <div class=”entry-meta”> <!– <?php twentyten_posted_on(); ?> –> </div> <!– .entry-meta –>
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