Socialising your Author Box in Genesis WordPress Theme

The Author Box in WordPress is sometimes overlooked and underused and it doesn’t display all the contact information entered such as Social Media contacts, this guide goes through turning it on, editing the contact meta info, using a new AuthorBox with the new contact info and using icon fonts to display those social media accounts. Turning on…

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Add Fallback Featured Image in Genesis


To set a fall back featured image in Genesis if one is not set, you can use a parameter in the filter genesis_get_image, in the code below I want to target a particular category and use a dashicon icon if the featured image is not set. This icon (or image) will then appear on the archive page. The genesis_get_image…

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Add a Slider to the Home Page in Genesis Theme WordPress using Cyclone Slider

Sliders have been slammed a lot recently, notably for their effectiveness and usability, however within certain contexts they are still relevant and more importantly still popular with clients, their use may be more relevant to certain industries, their usage may be better suited to subtle areas of the page. That said, here is a guide…

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Remove Genesis Structural Wraps from Markup


On Genesis themes, the structural .wrap is essentially an element which acts as a container for content. The sample and most of the themes have it set at 1140px wide and narrower at smaller sizes. What areas have the .wrap markup  by default are: header menu-primary menu-secondary footer-widgets footer You can see this markup in the core Genesis framework…

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Add Custom Taxonomy Post Meta Terms to Custom Post Type in Genesis WordPress


To add in the post meta of  custom taxonomy terms into custom post types in Genesis WordPress theme you need to create a function with a conditional that equals the custom post type then set the post meta using shortcode which includes the taxonomy terms, then apply a filter to the result to the genesis_post_meta function in your functions.php file. You can choose to…

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