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WordPress Websites design specialists, based in the Northern Beaches, Sydney
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Setting up Composer and PHPCodesniffer on Atom Editor on macOS
Here is a guide on how to get PHPCodesniffer going on Atom text editor using the WordPress code standards, this will be done via adding PHPCodesniffer via Composer, you can also add PHPCodesniffer via Pear or Homebrew, I used to have it running via Pear but have found it to be not as reliable. Install Composer Open…
Tab to Accordion Responsive Layouts in WordPress
There is a nice responsive Tabs plugin which is jQuery based called aptly called Responsive-Tabs, it handles changing the layout from a tabbed content structure to an accordion layout at a set media query size. The accordion layout is better suited for smaller mobile/tablet sizes. Going from tab to accordion… To a smaller viewport setting……
Change the Genesis Theme Copyright Line in Footer for WordPress
Genesis Themes have a footer credit copyright line at the base of the page. This includes the copyright and Genesis framework link with a couple of standard WordPress default links. To change this, you can add a new function and filter into your functions.php of your Genesis child theme… Adding the Function //Changing the Credits function wpb_footer_creds_text () { echo…
Checkerboard Featured Posts Layout like Genesis Atmosphere Pro Theme
Here is a quick tutorial on how to create a blog post layout that has a checkerboard style layout which uses a featured image on one side of the the post and the post headline and content on the other, the image alternates position on each post. This is similar to the Atmosphere Pro theme…
Set a conditional argument for multiple Custom Post Types in WordPress
You can set a conditional argument for multiple custom post types in WordPress using in_array The format is like so… if( in_array( get_post_type(), array( ‘treatment’, ‘package’ )) ) {//add in cpts here // do stuff } else { //what all the other post types get // do other stuff } } It searches the array of cpts…
Changing the Genesis Archive Page Settings for Custom Post Types
By default all archive pages and types in Genesis share the same archive settings as set in the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives section, but you can change these settings for a specific custom post type archive and leave the defaults intact for the regular archive pages. Looking at the Content Archives in…