Welcome to WP Beaches

WordPress Websites design specialists, based in the Northern Beaches, Sydney
Design, Develop, Host


Setting up a MultiLingual WordPress Site with Polylang

You can set up a Multilingual WordPress site with a great plugin called Polylang, there are a few ways to make multilingual sites and people can get quite opinionated about this, for larger sites with complete duplication you may want to consider doing it with a multi-site set up but for smaller needs you can…

Outputting Genesis Simple Share with Actions and in Widgets


Genesis Simple Share is a great plugin for social sharing your content, looks good aesthetically and loads optimally when it is just needed. As well as some default positions provided by the plugin you can also position the social share icons with action hooks or also add to a widget or page area . Positioning via…

Adding a Fly Out Search Field Box for Genesis based on TwentyFourteen

How to set up a flyout search box on a Genesis Theme based on the TwentyFourteen theme where clicking on the search icon drops down a search field. This will be based on the Sample theme and will use the the area of the full width menu in the primary location. Live demo here. Icon…

Changing the Microdata Schema in Genesis WordPress

Genesis Themes come preloaded with Microdata schema marked up on various HTML elements on the page, this is a good thing in terms of meaningful and semantic markup and better structure for search engines to understand the page and extract certain data to present to searchers. How Google displays search data to searchers is constantly…

Google Structured Data Testing Tool WordPress Error Warnings

Googles Structured data testing tool is giving warning errors on certain HTML mark up elements on web pages. Such as the errors in the image below, these are related to microdata schema mark up which is shipped on modern Genesis WordPress themes. Node is empty. Double check that this is desired and consider removing. Node…

Force a Read More Link on all Post Excerpts in WordPress

Can’t see a read more link on a WordPress post on the blog page?  The read more link can be forced on all excerpts for posts on an archive page by adding the following code to your theme. Sometimes the read more wont show due to a shortfall of characters or an element like an iframe sitting…

Create an extra Widget Areas in WordPress TwentyTwelve

How to create extra widget areas in WordPress – this tutorial uses the TwentyTwelve theme but this can be used on any WordPress theme. WordPress themes come with a certain number of widgets per theme to position content on the page, for example the TwentyTwelve theme has a sidebar and 2 home page widget areas, you…

Set a Sidebar to all posts of a Custom Post Type in Genesis

sidebar set custom post type

Simple Sidebars is a great plugin to use different sidebars on posts, pages, categories and tags in a Genesis theme. You can set a certain sidebar to appear on all posts of a specific custom post type (CPT). function themeprefix_remove_default_sidebar() { if ( get_post_type() == ‘listing’ ) { //set CPT here remove_action( ‘genesis_sidebar’, ‘ss_do_sidebar’ ); remove_action(…

Add Text After the Price in a WooCommerce Product

remove order notes field woocommerce

You can add a bit of static text after the price in a WooCommerce Product by using a woocommerce filter woocommerce_get_price_html. For the above product I want to add some text just after the price to a certain range of products. Here below is the code to do that: So I have set my target products in…