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WordPress Websites design specialists, based in the Northern Beaches, Sydney
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Stop WooCommerce checkout fields auto-filling – leave blank
You can stop WooCommerce checkout fields from auto filling by using a Woo filter woocommerce_checkout_get_value, this could be useful in a situation when a logged in user is ordering on behalf of multiple customers.add_filter( ‘woocommerce_checkout_get_value’,’prefix_return_empty_checkout’, 1, 1 ); function prefix_return_empty_checkout(){ $user = wp_get_current_user(); //The user has the “shop_manager” role if ( in_array( ‘shop_manager’, (array) $user->roles…
How to turn off Auto-correct on macOS Big Sur for all applications
Auto-correct seems to be enabled by default in some macOS computers which can be a pain especially in Mail, and any application which you are typing a lot and simply don’t need it. Here is how to turn off auto-correct for macOS applications. Put a stop to It Globally Go to the Apple Menu >…
Change WooCommerce SKU text to another label
You can change WooCommerce SKU text to another label using the gettext filter add_filter(‘gettext’, ‘translate_woocommerce’, 10, 3); /** * Change SKU Label * @link https://gist.github.com/dannyconnolly/da6f1a2d95dc826ccdcd * @since 1.0.0 */ function translate_woocommerce($translation, $text, $domain) { if ($domain == ‘woocommerce’) { switch ($text) { case ‘SKU’: $translation = ‘Catalogue No:’; break; case ‘SKU:’: $translation = ‘Catalogue No:’;…
Show only free shipping option on WooCommerce cart and checkout pages
By default WooCommerce will show all available shipping options on cart and checkout pages, if you have free shipping as an option you may just want that displayed by itself. The code snippet below which needs to be added to your functions.php theme file will do just that… add_filter( ‘woocommerce_package_rates’, ‘prefix_hide_shipping_when_free_is_available’, 100 ); /** *…
Filter WooCommerce orders by payment gateway
Here is how you can filter WooCommerce orders by payment gateway in the WordPress dashboard orders screen using a plugin from SkyVerge. Add the php file directly or in a folder in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and then activate the plugin from the WordPress dashboard. Now you will see a column that allows you to choose…
Redirect an admin user role on login with login redirect
You can redirect a user based on their WordPress role with the login_redirect filter. add_filter( ‘login_redirect’, ‘themeprefix_login_redirect’, 10, 3 ); /** * Redirect user after successful login. * * @param string $redirect_to URL to redirect to. * @param string $request URL the user is coming from. * @param object $user Logged user’s data. * @return…
Hide the Description and Reviews Tabs in WooCommerce Products
WooCommerce products by default show ‘description‘ and ‘reviews‘ tabs below the product on a WordPress product page, you can hide these tabs from view as well as a third tab ‘additional information‘ with a snippet of code that goes in your themes functions.php file As well as remove the tabs you can rename the heading…
Add qty inputs next to add to cart button with and without Ajax reload on WooCommerce archives
Here is how you can add qty inputs next to add to cart with Ajax reload on WooCommerce archives. Without Ajax Reload add_filter( ‘woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link’, ‘quantity_inputs_for_woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link’, 10, 2 ); /** * Override loop template and show quantities next to add to cart buttons * @link https://gist.github.com/mikejolley/2793710 */ function quantity_inputs_for_woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link( $html, $product ) { if ( is_user_logged_in()…